(C) 2024, Crawford, Nolan & Zink, a wholly owned subsidiary of Crawford, Nolan & Zink, LTD. All Rights Reserved.
Crawford, Nolan & Zink is not a law firm and does not offer legal advice. Crawford, Nolan & Zink is not a CPA firm, and does not provide services which require a specific license or permit in the applicable jurisdiction. None of Crawford, Nolan & Zink's officers is authorized to practice law or provide legal advice to any of Crawford, Nolan & Zink's clients. Accordingly, no attorney-client relationship can be created through the performance of any services by Crawford, Nolan & Zink. Crawford, Nolan & Zink is not a licensed real estate brokerage, sales associate or loan broker. Crawford, Nolan & Zink's intellectual property support services, financial, lending or legal support services are generally referred to lawyers or other specialists, whether in private practice or working in-house. Any client who requires legal advice, financial planning, real estate brokerage services, tax preparation or services from a licensed professional should consult a practitioner in the relevant jurisdiction(s). U.S. Investment Advisers Act Important Notice Crawford Nolan & Zink. Is not registered, nor intending to register, as Investment Advisers pursuant to the U.S. Investment Advisers Act (the Act) nor shall CN&Z engage in activities that would require registration under the Act. No CN&Z entity, agent, associate or personnel shall provide any investment advice that contravenes the terms of the Act. Accordingly, no investment advice may be provided by Crawford Nolan & Zink to any third party, and Crawford Nolan & Zink may only advise non-U.S. customers. |